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Report list


  • Visit – 1 visit will start from when a connection is made to your site and ends when WhosOn clears that visitor from the Current Visitor list. This can happen after a period of inactivity or when the visitor leaves the site.
  • Prospect – A Visitor who has activated one of the Prospect Detection rules based on the behavior you have outlined.
  • Customer – A Visitor who has activated one of the Prospect Detection rules based on the behavior you have outlined which also has the Action When Detected ‘Flag As Customer’ enabled.
  • Spider – An automated bot that scours the web, mainly used to keep search engine data up to date.
  • Chat Request – A chat request is anytime a visitor clicks on a ‘click to chat’ link and then proceeds to ‘Start Chat’, this will include all chats including those that have been picked up by and operator and those that have been missed.
  • Missed Chat – A missed chat is when a visitor starts a chat but is not picked up by an operator, this will include chats that operators have failed to pick up and chats that have come through when no operators are available
  • Visit Number – The number of times a visitor has ‘visited’ your site.
  • Operator – A person who accesses and uses the WhosOn Client application.
  • Date Selector – This allows you to pick a from and to date for the period of reporting.


  • Daily Totals
  • Visits – Total number of visits to the site.
  • Entry Alerts – Free – Total number of visitors that have activated a ‘Free’ Site Entry Alert.
  • Entry Alerts – Paid For – Total number of visitors that have activated a ‘Paid for’ Site Entry Alert.
  • New Visitors – Total number of visitors that have not been to the site before.
  • Returning Visitors – Total number of visitors that have been to the site before.
  • Visitors By Alert Type – Total number of visitors grouped by Site Entry Alert. The selector for the different Site Entry Alerts is present in the top right corner of the report.
  • Spiders Only – Total number of Spiders that have been to the site.
  • Cost – Total cost calculated from Site Entry Alerts on the selected site.
  • Summary – Displays a variety of Summary information for each day in relation to the site. Contains totals for: Visits, New Visitors, Prospects, Customers, Alerts free, Alerts Paid, Views, Invites, Chats, Missed Chats, Peak Visits, Peak Visit Time.

Average, Min & Max

  • Minimums By Day – Displays the minimum Visits seen on a day of the week for the selected date range
  • Maximums By Day – Displays the maximum Visits seen on a day of the week for the selected date range
  • Visitors By Country Name – Pie Chart displaying the total visitors grouped by Country
  • Times of Day – Total visitors on the site grouped by hour of the day.


  • Prospects – Total number of visitors who matched any one or more Prospect Detection rules.
  • By Alert Type – Total number of visitors who match any one or more Prospect Detection rules, grouped by Site Entry Alerts. The selector for the different Site Entry Alerts appears in the top right of the report.
  • Percentage Of New Visitors – This is an argument against the value to see the percentage of visitors that are new visitors and convert to a Prospect or Customer.


  • Customers – Total number of visitors that have been flagged as a Customer.
  • By Alert Type – Total number of visitors that have been flagged as a Customer, grouped by Site Entry Alerts. The selector for the different Site Entry Alerts appears in the top right of the report.
  • Percentage Of New Visitors – This is an argument against the value to see the percentage of visitors that are new visitors and convert to a prospect or customer.


  • Chat Requests – Total number of Chat Requests.
  • Missed chats – Total number of Missed Chats.
  • Chat Listing – A list of all chats includes the following information: start time, how long the visitor waited for before being picked up, the operator who took the chat, the department the chat was assigned to, the visitor’s name, the visitor’s DNS, The visit number, the end time of the chat and the email of the visitor if collected.
  • Average Waiting Time By Operator – Total and Average waiting time of visitors who started a chat, grouped by Operator.
  • Average Waiting Time By Department – total and Average waiting time of visitors who started a chat, grouped by Department.
  • Daily Summary – A summary of chats displaying the Total Chats, Average waiting time of chats and the average length of a chat grouped by date and Operator.
  • Daily Chat Report – Displays summarized chat statistics grouped by date. Includes the following information: total chat requests, total chats that were taken, total missed chats, total visitor waiting time, average visitor waiting time, total length of time in chats, average length of time in chats.
  • Total Taken vs Abandoned – Pie chart displaying the total number of Taken Chats and the total number of Missed Chats.
  • Day Time To First Line – Average number of seconds by day for the first message to be sent in the chat.
  • Chat Peak Times – Peak number of concurrent chats broken down by hour of the day.
  • Chat Inside Expected Time – You are prompted for a time in seconds, then a pie chat is displayed to show how many chats were completed inside that and time and how many were outside.
  • Missed Chats By Hour – Shows the amount of chats that were not picked up by operators for any reason from the date range grouped by hour of the day.
  • Taken Chats By Hour – Shows the amount of chats that were picked up by operators for any reason from the date range grouped by hour of the day.


  • Top Referrers – Summary information for the most common referrers for the site. Includes: total visit number, total new visitors, number of visitors that activated a prospect detection rule, number if visitors flagged as a customer.
  • Top Search Engines – Summary information for the most common search engines for the site. Includes: total visit number, total new visitors, number of visitors that activated a prospect detection rule, number if visitors flagged as a customer.
  • Top Referrers Containing – Prompted for a phrase then displays summary information where you phrase matches a referrer. Includes: total visit number, total new visitors, number of visitors that activated a prospect detection rule, number if visitors flagged as a customer.


  • Top Keywords – The Top Keywords report lists the most common keywords entered when visitors access your site via a search engine. This also shows how many of these visitors converted as prospects or customers.
  • Top Keywords By Search Engine – This report shows the most popular keywords used to locate your site by visitors, as well as the search engine that was used to find your site.
  • Top Keywords Containing – This allows the same report as the Top Keywords, but you can enter all or part of a word or phrase to filter the results.


  • Top Pages – This report shows the most visited pages on the site, ordered by the most visits. This also shows the amount of new visitors for these pages, and the number of chats initiated on each of these pages.
  • Top New Visitor Entry Pages – This report shows the first page that new visitors to you site view, ordered by the most popular. Returning visitors are not counted towards this report.
  • Specific Page Search – The specific page search allows you to enter a page name, and will display the details of each visitor on that page for the last month.
  • Page Bounce Rate – The bounce rate shows which pages are viewed by visitors who then leave your site without viewing any other pages. This view is ordered by bounce ratio – a bounce ratio of 100% on a page means that every visitor who viewed that page left the site without viewing any other page.
  • Page Errors – This report shows any page requests that are not 200 OK codes. This is typically only usable with log file tracking.


  • User Chat Report – Summarized chat information grouped by user. Includes: total number of chats, total visitor waiting time, average waiting time, total handling time, average handling time.
  • User Time To First Line – Average Number of seconds each user has taken to send the first message in a chat.
  • User Connection Details – For each user that has logged in during the date range, shows the total accumulated time an operator was online and available, as well as when status was set to busy, BRB and away. The report also shows chats picked up and invites sent for each operator within the time range.


  • Top Browsers By Major Version – Reports the most popular Browser versions used by visitors.
  • Top Browser Type – Most popular Web Browsers.

Tracking code implementation

WhosOn uses a small snippet of JavaScript to track customers and display the chat button and chat window. This guide will detail the main ways you can add the code onto your website.

  • Site HTML
  • External JS
  • Tag Manager
  • Tracking only implementation


The easiest way to implement the WhosOn Tracking Code onto your website is to add it directly to your website’s HTML code. Before continuing, please ensure that you are familiar with HTML. In this example, we will use a basic test site to show you how to implement the Tracking Code.

  1. Open the web page in a HTML editor.
  2. Copy the Tracking Code to your computer’s clipboard. The Tracking Code can be found on your initial set-up email and on the Settings Portal under Edit This Site.
  3. Paste the code into your site’s HTML.
  4. Paste the tracking code onto every web page that you want live-chat to be present on.
<!-- Embedded WhosOn -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='//**_your.server.com_**/include.js?domain=****'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
if(typeof sWOTrackPage=='function')sWOTrackPage();
function runChat() {
<!-- End of embedded WhosOn -->


Ensure that you paste the Tracking Code inside the tags. Due to HTML limitations, the tracking code will not display the chat window / chat button correctly if pasted into the or

Google Tag Manager

The WhosOn Tracking Code can be implemented into Google Tag Manager. This allows for quicker and easier deployment of WhosOn across your website. Integration into Google Tag Manager is different to HTML implementation.
This section of the guide will show you how to add the WhosOn tracking code to your existing Google Tag Manager setup.

  • Login to Google Tag Manager and create a new ‘Custom HTML’ tag.

  • Name the tag (i.e. “WhosOn Code”)

  • Copy and paste the following code into the textarea for the Custom HTML tag.
<!-- Embedded WhosOn Start -->
<script async type='text/javascript'>

(function() {

  var script = document.createElement('script');
  script.src = 'https://**_your.server.com_**/include.js?domain=**_your.domain.com_**';

  var done = false;

  script.onload = handleLoad;
  script.onreadystatechange = handleReadyStateChange;

  function handleLoad() {
    if (!done) {
      done = true;

  function handleReadyStateChange() {
      var state;

      if (!done) {
          state = script.readyState;
          if (state === "complete") {

<!-- Embedded WhosOn End -->


Canned responses


Canned Responses are a powerful tool that allows you to send pre-written answers in response to common queries.
Canned Responses can be configured on a site-by-site level as well as for the individual operator. This means that your entire team will have access to a shared pool of Canned Responses as well as responses that they have created themselves (that only they can access).

This guide will show you how to edit Canned Responses via the Settings Portal and also via the client.

Canned Responses via Settings Portal

  1. Go to your Settings Portal. This can easily be accessed via the dedicated settings button in the WhosOn options located within the client.

  2. Log in to the Settings Portal using your login details

  3. When in the Settings Portal, select your site (if you use WhosOn on more than one website).

  4. Click User Settings

  5. Click Canned Responses

  6. You will be presented with the Canned Response menu. Here you can add new responses, delete existing responses and view current responses. Click Add Response + to create a new Canned Response.

  7. This will show the Add Response menu.

    • Response – Subject – The title of the response, used to distinguish the response from other responses.
    • Content – This is the response itself and is what the customer sees when a Canned Response is sent.
    • Keywords – Your Canned Responses will show in a chat when either you or the customer types a word contained within that Canned Response. You can add in additional keywords to trigger the response too.
    • Attachments – You can add attachments to your Canned Response. These will be sent alongside the response and are available to the customer to download. Simply upload a file and it will be included on the response.
    • Sites – The available sites list shows all the sites that you have access to. The assigned sites list shows all the sites that this particular Canned Response will show for. You can drag sites over to assign them to the Canned Response. All users assigned to that site / sites will get access to this Canned Response
    • Fill in the new response menu and click Save

Canned Responses via WhosOn client

  1. Log into the WhosOn client (Modern)
  2. Inside the client, go to Settings
  3. You will be presented with the client Canned Responses. This list will show site-wide Canned Responses as well as operator only responses.
    • Import Canned Responses – Import previously created Canned Responses
    • Export Canned Responses – Export responses to a text format
    • New Canned Response – Create a new response from scratch
    • Edit Response – Edit an existing response
    • Delete Response – Delete an existing Canned Response
  4. This list shows site-wide Canned Responses as well as local user Canned Responses. Site wide Canned Responses will show under ‘Canned Responses’ whereas local user Canned Responses will show under ‘My Canned Responses’.
  5. Click Canned Responses or My Canned Responses and then click the New Canned Response Button (+). This will show the new Canned Response menu.
  6. Fill in the response and click Save

Canned Responses in-chat

Canned Responses will show in an active chat session whenever you or the customer types something that is contained within that Canned Response’s content or keyword fields.

You can also view Canned Responses in-chat by clicking the Canned Responses button (seen below)

  1. Simply search for a Canned Response that you wish to send

  2. Clicking a response will paste it into your response box, hit enter to send the response to the customer

Routing rules

This tutorial assumes that you have read and understand the below
features from the settings portal help:

  • Pre / Post chat survey

  • Chat Routing

  • Skills

This guide will show you how to create a skill-based routing rule for
your WhosOn live-chat. Routing rules allow the auto-allocation of chats
to the correct groups based on pre-chat survey answers. In this guide,
we will show you how to create a routing rule for the Sales group.
This will use the pre-chat survey and skill rules that has already been

Adding in a routing rule is done via the Settings portal.

  1. Go to your Settings Portal. This can easily be accessed via the dedicated settings button in the WhosOn options located within the client.

  2. Log in to the Settings Portal using your login details.

  3. When in the Settings Portal, select your monitored site.

  4. Click Chat Designer and go to chat routing

  5. Click on Add Route +. This will show the edit route page.

  6. In Route Name, enter “Sales Rule”

  1. Click on Add Condition. This will show the Condition Builder. The condition builder allows you to create custom conditions with variables extracted from other fields (in this case, the pre-chat survey)

  2. In the second dropdown, scroll to the bottom of the list and select %Department% (this is the name of the survey field name)

  3. Set the 3rd dropdown to Equal To

  4. Click the 4th dropdown and type “Sales”. If you have created a different department name, type that here instead.

  5. To finish, click Add +

  6. In the Route To Department? – leave blank. We will be routing to skills (recommended)

  7. Click Next & *assigning skills (recommended)

  8. In the Transfer to Skill(s) list, select the “Technical Support” box.

  9. Ensure that Always do the same action regardless of availability? Is set to “No”

  10. Set the Online action to “Send to least busiest operator (force auto accept)”

  11. Set the Busy action to “Queue until an operator is online”

  12. Ensure that the Offline, and Outside dropdowns are set to “cancel”

  13. In the Queuing Messages section, you can leave the default text or modify to your liking.

  14. Click Finish

Condition builder

  1. The first drop down is disabled if there is only a single condition present. It will beenabled when 2 conditions or more have been created.

  2. The name of the departments must be identical on both the skills / departments and the Routing rule condition. For example, if you have created a skill called “Customer services”, it must be typed as “Customer services” in the routing rule configuration.

  3. Click on Add Route +. This will show the edit route page.

  4. In Route Name, enter “Technical Support Rule”

  5. Click on Add Condition. This will show the Condition Builder. The condition builder allows you to create custom conditions with variables extracted from other fields (in this case, the pre-chat survey)

  6. In the second dropdown, scroll to the bottom of the list and select %department%

  7. Set the 3rd dropdown to Equal To

  8. Click the 4th dropdown and type “Technical Support”. If you have created a different department name, type that here instead

  9. To finish, click Add +

  10. In the Route To Department? field, type “Technical Support”. If you are using a different department name, type that here instead. Your Edit Route page should now look like this:

  11. Click Next
    Assigning skills

  12. In the Transfer to Skill(s) list, select the “Technical Support” box.

  13. Ensure that Always do the same action regardless of availability? Is set to “No”

  14. Set the Online action to “Send to least busiest operator (force auto accept)”

  15. Set the Busy action to “Queue until an operator is online”

  16. Ensure that the Offline, and Outside dropdowns are set to “cancel”

  17. In the Queuing Messages section, add in some relevant queue messages.
    - Initial queue message – This is what the customer initially sees when they are in a chat queue. For example: “Thanks for reaching out! You’re now in the queue, an agent will be with you shortly.”
    - In queue waiting message – This is shown to the customer when they have been in the queue for an extended period of time (this expected queue time can be configured via the Maximum expected time in queue field.). For example: “.”
    - Queue is full message – This message is shown to the customer when the queue is already full. This limit can be configured via the Maximum chats in queue field.
    - Queue timer expiry message – This message shows when the maximum time in queue is reached. This can be configured via the Maximum actual time in queue.

  18. Click Finish

User skills

This guide will show you how to create skills and how to assign skills to users. These skills can be used alongside pre-chat surveys to create routing rules which will divert a chat to an appropriate department. In this example, we will create a skill for Technical Support agents.

  1. Log in to the Settings Portal using your login details.

  2. When in the Settings Portal, select your site (if you use WhosOn on more than one website).

  3. Go to User Settings

  4. Go to User Skills

  5. You will see this menu, click Add Skill + to create a new skill

  6. Type in the skill name. For this tutorial, we will use “Technical Support”

  7. Give the skill a description. The description is useful if multiple administrators manage the Settings Portal as it will provide a basic overview of what that skill is for.

  8. Assign the sites that the skill will be applicable to.

  9. Assign the users that the skill will be applicable to.

  10. Click Save

How to create a user

Login to the Settings Portal

New users can be easily added via the Settings Portal. The easiest way to access the settings portal is via the WhosOn desktop client. When in the client, go to options, select general and then Settings Portal.


Only administrator & supervisor users can access the settings portal.

When presented with the login screen, enter your WhosOn credentials. These will have been sent to you via the setup email. There is also a forgotten password form that will reset and resend a setup email to the address tied to your user account.

User settings list

Once you have logged in, you will be presented with the Dashboard. The dashboard is the area of the settings portal that displays a basic summary of the day. On the top row of the settings portal, click User Settings.

If you have just set WhosOn up, this list will appear empty. If you have multiple sites set up, select the site you want to add a user to use the dropdown (Site Selector). Simply click on Add User.

**Basic user settings
Clicking ‘Add User’ will show the New User page. On this page, you can add all the details for a new user.
User Name – the user name is what the user will use to log into WhosOn and the settings portal.
Password – The settings portal can generate a random password for you, or you can enter a custom one yourself.
Full Name – The full name is what is displayed to the customer in-chat.
Email Address – The email address will be used to send setup emails and password resets to the user. Each user will need a separate email address.
Max Active Chats – How many chats this user can take at once
Default Role – This field can set the user as an Admin, Supervisor or User. This will affect the user’s permissions, ability to take chats and settings portal access.
Group – Can be used to assign a user to a group (for example Technical Support).
User Skills – Access rights, skills or departments which affect that particular user.
Work Period – The time period that the user can work on.
You can also add a photo for the new user. This will be shown both within the client and to the customer.

Assigning sites
Scroll down and you will see Add users to sites. If you have more than one website, you may want a user or group of users to monitor and chat on multiple sites. This can be configured here. Simply click on the site you want the user to monitor and click the right arrow so that it moves to User Assigned Sites.

Advanced user options

Below the User assigned sites section, there is a button for Advanced Options.

Job Title – The job title of that particular user.
Bio – A brief description of that user.
Phone Number – the user’s phone number.
Mobile Number – the user’s mobile number.
Department – the department that the user works under.
External ID – Used for CRM.
Settings INI – settings that will override the WhosOn client-side settings. For example, an administrator can set the timeout for the client here.

Below advanced options, there are User Properties and User Rights. User Properties change the core properties of that user and User Rights change what that user is and isn’t allowed to access.

Auto Accept Chats – will enable auto-pickup of chats as they come in.
Invisible to other users – Will make the user invisible to other users of WhosOn (useful for supervisors).
Record This Users Activity – This will record the user’s chat history.
Is Bot User – This is an advanced setting that is used in conjunction with the WhosOn Concierge Bot.
Can Edit Site Properties – Allows the user to access the settings portal (Note – this is automatically enabled only if the user is an Administrator or a Supervisor)
Can View Reports – Allows the user to view reports and chat history within the client and within the WhosOn reports portal.
Can View Daily Summary – Enables the user to view Daily Summary.
Can Edit Local Settings – Allows users to edit settings for the WhosOn client (Note – this only applies to client-side settings. The settings portal cannot be accessed by enabling this.
Can Take Chats – Enables the user to take chats.
Can Send Invites – Allows the user to send chat invites to customers as they are browsing the website.
Can Respond To Missed Chats – Allows users to contact customers after a missed chat.
Can Chat To Other Operators – Allows users to chat to other users within the client.
Can Train/monitor Chats – Enables the user to supervise other chats.
Can Change Name – Allows the user to change their display name (Note – This does not affect Username only the display name which is shown to the customer).
Can See Other Departments – Allows the user to view ongoing chats within other departments in the chat list (Note – does not allow the user to monitor chats, only to view them in the chat list).
Can Transfer to Other Departments – Allows the user to transfer a chat to another department. For example, Technical support to Sales.
Can View Tickets – Allows users to view open tickets.
Can Video Chat – Enables the user to video chat with the customer.

Editing and deleting existing users

To edit an existing user, go to the User Settings. Find the user you want to edit within the list or search for their username / display name in the search bar.

Click the Edit User button (shown above). This will take you to the edit user page from where you can change all settings detailed in this document.

To delete a user go to the Edit User page. Click the Delete User button found in the top right of the screen.

Resetting a password

Reset from client

You can reset your password from the client log-in screen. This is done by clicking on the “Reset your password” button located at the bottom of the log-in screen.

Reset from settings portal

You will need to be an Administrator or a Supervisor user to access the Settings Portal

  1. Go to your Settings Portal. This can easily be accessed via the dedicated settings button in the WhosOn options located within the client.

  2. Log in to the settings portal using your login details

  3. When in the settings portal, select your site (if you use WhosOn on more than one website).

  4. Go to User Settings

  5. You will be presented with a list of users. Simply locate the user in the user list or search for the user in the search bar.

  6. Click the edit user button.

  7. Click the password field and type in a new password for the user.

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save User

Reset & Resend

Alternatively, you can re-send a setup email to the user. This is done in the Edit User menu. Simply click Reset & Resend.

The setup email will give them a temporary password to log into WhosOn with. The user will then be prompted to update their password when logged in.

First time setup

Once you have submitted your free trial form, it will need to be reviewed by our customer support team. This usually only takes a few hours during the week.

  1. Check your email inbox for the setup email. This email will contain essential information required to setup your client.

  2. Copy the tracking code location at the bottom of the setup email. this tracking code is what enables chat and tracking to function on your website. Give this code to your web developers or inset it yourself into the body of your website’s HTML.
    Paste the code onto every web page that you want the live chat to function – in most cases, this will be a global location such as an included footer:

<!-- Embedded WhosOn -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='//**_your.server.com_**/include.js?domain=****'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
if(typeof sWOTrackPage=='function')sWOTrackPage();
function runChat() {
<!-- End of embedded WhosOn -->


  1. Download the WhosOn client. This can be found at: . You can also get to the download page via the download link at the bottom of the setup email.
  2. Run the WhosOn installer once it has downloaded
  3. Once installed, open WhosOn. This is the WhosOn login screen where you will enter your user details and server details given to you in the setup email. The advanced settings can be toggled using the Advanced Settings button.
    Username – the name of your user (not your display name)
    Password – unique password used to access your user account in the client, settings portal and reports portal.
    WhosOn Server – The WhosOn server you will be connecting to.
    Your Name – Your display name shown to customers.
    Department – The department that you work in (e.g. Technical Support)
    Authentication String – An extra level of security. New authentication strings can be created at any time to restrict access.

WhosOn has a selection of themes which change the appearance of the application. The theme shown in the screenshots is the Dark theme.

Client Shortcuts

The list of shortcut keys available within the WhosOn Desktop client

Whilst Chatting

Function Command
Move to next chat Tab
Move to previous chat Shift + Tab
Close current chat Ctrl + Q
Transfer current chat Ctrl + T
Send file Ctrl + U
Show canned responses window Ctrl + R
Increase chat input box size Ctrl + +
Decrease chat input box size Ctrl + -

Chat Suggestions

Function Type the following into the chat box
Previously sent lines Any
Operator transfer/inline chat @name
Skills transfer +skillname
Canned response keyword search $keyword
Canned response starting with \_text
Dynamic fields only \<fieldname
Selected higlighted suggestion Tab


Function Command
Show chats/open next waiting chat Alt + C
Show team Alt + T
Show sites Alt + S
Show closed chats Alt + H
Show missed chats Alt + D
Show monitor all Alt + M
Show files Alt + F
Show options Alt + O
Logout Alt + X

Set Status

Function Command
Set status to Online Alt + 0
Set status to Busy Alt + 1
Set status to Be Right Back Alt + 2
set status to Away Alt + 3