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WhosOn Data

WhosOn has introduced a new Data portal that uses the new OData API. The Data portal includes data from the existing web reports, which has been improved upon to provide a better user experience.

System Requirements

  • WhosOn Server version 19.1.497 or higher

Accessing WhosOn Data

To access the WhosOn data portal, navigate to https://{yourdomain}/data/, where {yourdomain} is the server DNS. For a user to be able to access the WhosOn Data portal, having the right "Can View Reports" will be required.

For information on User roles, see User Roles and User Rights.

Upon login, you will be greeted with the below screen.

Chat Sessions

The chat sessions allow you to view chat sessions for the current day (default), or by a custom date filter. You can also do full text searches on all chat transcripts.

There are additional filter options, such as by site(s), operators, skills, chat ratings, or by sentiment.

The View As Table option will render the chat list from tile view to a table format.

Exporting Data

Chat Sessions and Some reports can be exported as comma-separated values (CSV), text file (TXT), Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (XLSX), or extensible markup language (XML).

Sorting Reports

Reports can be sorted by Visitor Name, Date, Waited For, Taken By, Skills, Rating, Sentiment, or Callback. The reports can also be ordered by Ascending or Descending order.

Visitor List

You can view lists of visits for the current date or any number of days. You can also select to view visitors for their specific types, New Visitors, Returning Visitors, Customers etc.


Expanding the visitor record will display detailed information about that visitor, such as their IP Address, Location, Number of visits, Previous Visits, etc.


The reports section contains several reports that can be exported. For a list and description of the default reports supplied see:
Report List


The Dashboard section contains chat and agent metrics for evaluation. There are two sections to the dashboard, Historical Data and KPI. The Historical data is typically used to evaluate overall chat performance, and KPI is used for operator performance.

Historical Data

  • Chat Volumes For Time of Day -- Displays the number of chats for each hour of the day.

  • Agent Activity Times -- Displays agent's status in minutes.

  • Chat/Missed Chat Ratio -- Displays missed chats vs chat taken

  • Wrap-Up Ranking -- Displays the number of chats assigned to each configured wrap-up.

  • Chats Per Skill -- Displays the number of chats as the skills assigned

KPI Data

  • Rating Ranking -- Displays the rating of each chat by their ranking.

  • Agent Activity Over Times Of Day -- Displays agents status per hour

  • Average Chats Taken By Hour -- Shows the number chats taken by the hour

  • Average Handling Time -- Displays the Average chat handling Time

  • Average Wait Time -- Displays the Average wait time visitor wait before an agent accepts the chat.

  • Wrap-Up Options Ranking -- Displays each wrap by ranking